Fit to Fly: Covid Test Shows You're Fit to Travel!

The Fit-to-Fly certificate has become a prerequisite for international travel in these post-pandemic days. If you’re suffering from cabin fever and are ready to explore far-off places again with your airplane ticket booked and ready to go, now what should you do? Many countries are now requiring foreigners to have a “Fit to Fly” PCR Test Certificate to show at airport check-in. Before you leave you need to take the PCR fit to fly test within 72 hours of departure. The Fit to Fly Certificate must state that your Covid-19 PCR Test was negative and that you’re fit to travel! Anna Pharmacy has over 15 locations in South London that offer the Fit to Fly PCR Test in addition to other Covid-19 testing options. What Is a PCR Test? A PCR Test (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is an antigen test used to detect the presence of Coronavirus and identify whether or not someone has the virus very early on in their illness. The advantage of PCR tes...