Coronavirus and blood donations



Blood donation is a simple act that goes above and beyond in saving lives. There may be many reasons why people should never shy away from donating blood. From the need for immediate blood during casualties and accidents to surgeries to cancer treatment or transfusions, the list may go on and on. There's no doubt that blood donation is perhaps one of the noblest ways to save lives, but the sad reality is that only 3% of age-eligible people are seen donating blood every year. This is the main reason why there's a high demand for blood donation and also the reason why more and more volunteers need to step in to donate blood.

 If you’re thinking about donating your blood but are apprehensive about

Coronavirus and blood donations, then worry no more. Whether you have been stuck by COVID-19 recently or are worried that things wouldbe  complicated after the COVID-19 vaccine, all you need is to keep a few things in mind while you search for details with regards to the coronavirus.

 Also, keep in mind that using laboratory tests to screen routine blood donors for COVID-19 is not all under any recommendations. This information has been recently updated by the FDA.

 Respiratory viruses also generally never get transmitted via blood transfusion. There also have been no reported cases of SARS-CoV-2 or any other coronavirus that has been passed from donor to recipient.

 Know what is important:

Blood donors must be in good health and shape and have a normal temperature while they venture to donate blood.  Physicians also get people tested who have been diagnosed with or are suspected of having COVID-19 to refrain from donating blood for 9- 10 days. This is after the completion of the resolution of any possible symptoms.

 Can I Donate Blood After Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine?

Yes, you can donate blood and there's no prohibition to it. But there are also some rules that you’ll need to follow before you can go ahead and donate your blood after getting the jab.


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